When pen touches paper my thoughts run wild. Remember when we first met? You seemed so empty. So alone. Just like I was.
With each others company, we grew stronger. You were the one who knew the most about me, the one I could tell anything.
Even though you never responded to my questions, I always found an answer in you.
Answer me this. Why do I feel so alone? Don't ever make me change my mind about this. I swear it's true. I always smile to strangers on the footpath, whether it may be someone going for their evening jog or just someone getting from A to B. They rarely smile back.
I guess that means I'm not the only one who is lonely. A lot of people are. How can this world be so populated yet so deserted. Why is it so easy to take, but so hard to give? What happens to the innocent?
Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. I overheard a young girl reciting this in the arms of her parents at the beach one cloudless evening. I looked up and saw this one star in the sky. So bright. A sign of hope.
There was nothing absurd about her wish. I grasped my own hand, closed my eyes and tilted my head slightly.
Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. I sat there in silence, the waves crashed upon the shore. But hold on, what am I wishing for? I clamped my eyes shut so tight that numerous colours splashed across my vision.
I wish... I wish... the gaps between these fingers were filled with yours. I opened my eyes; dozens of stars were in the sky now. But still, this one star shined so bright.
To whoever reads this, wish upon a star. If we were all like this child, innocent and filled with wonder when we saw the first star in the evening, make a wish, and make that wish come true. Maybe if we did we wouldn't feel so alone.
Just like this child. She held both her parents hands and wished that they would never leave her, that they would always be by her side.
We were both wishing for the same thing. Love. And for love to always be in our lives. If only we had love we would all be content.
Be strong. The world does not watch us break down and laugh. It lets us choose our own path and allows us accept what we see. Yet this world doesn't matter to me. I've longed to tell you how I feel and how fast my heart beats, how strong it is. Never will I see life in someone elses eyes.